June 30-July 3, 2022
Thursday evening -Sunday breakfast Have the last two years been hard?
Do things at school, work, family, and church keep falling through the cracks? Do you feel like you are stuck in molasses and moving slower than you like? Remember the healing nature, laughter, and space of Camp Menno Haven? Staff alumni reunion June 30 - July 3, 2022. Thursday, June 30 - evening arrival, and Friday, July 1. Arrive after dinner, and spend Friday, July 1 as A Make Your Own Retreat day. Or volunteer to help around the camp. Meals available, see registration form. Friday, July 1 - evening gathering after dinner through Sunday, July 3 after breakfast Sunday morning, July 3, Willow Springs will join us at Menno Haven for worship with lunch available - see registration form. Activities Story telling competition Music Campfires Walk the Prayer Path with diverse vegetation Walk a Mile??? Skit night/Talent show?? Games Swimming Crafts Visit to Hungry World Farms formerly known as Plow Creek Bring your photos, T shirts, craft projects, lanyards, and memorabilia. And canoe trip souvenirs! Come for the entire time, the weekend, or a day! We want to see you and you will feel better about the world after a visit to Menno Haven! P. S. Can’t make it? A Menno Haven staff alumni project will be to show your support through a donation to "Lakeview Lodge - Top to Bottom” . This funding finishes the patio renovation and the Lodge Reroof. P. P. S. We love all the stuff that happens at reunions and camps, but we know it isn’t for everybody, so join us and take in the parts that feel right for you. **To see pictures of the 2017 event, click here.**