What is the IMCAWelcome . . . to a closer look at the Illinois Mennonite Camp Association (IMCA). The IMCA is a not-for profit organization made up of individual members who constitute the legal owners of Menno Haven Camp and Retreat Center. But more than that, these members have a heart and vision for the ministry at Menno Haven and have chosen to unite in advancing the purposes of the Association.
PurposeThe purpose of the IMCA is to maintain and operate a Christian camping facility for the churches of the Illinois Mennonite
Conference, in order to serve the Church and to supplement her program of Christian nurture, worship, fellowship, and evangelism. |
Any member of the Mennonite Church may become a member of the Association, upon completion of an application and one of the following in each calendar year:
Members receive several benefits from their
association membership.
Members are asked to commit to the following, as their time, skills, and
resources allow:
Why Become an Illinois Camp Association Member?
An active membership makes it possible for Menno Haven to offer expanded programming and well-maintained facilities to guests. Members provide essential resources for the ministry.
Together members host Rally Day, an annual open house and day of celebration at Menno Haven.
In November members and their families gather for an annual retreat and business meeting, worshiping and fellowshipping
together, as well as discussion and voting on pertinent issues, and conducting other business as necessary.
As a member you will be joining in an engaging, rewarding pursuit as we work together to advance the kingdom of God.
- Volunteering time and skills
- Providing financial and material resources
- Serving as congregational representatives
- Serving on committees
- Working on special projects
Together members host Rally Day, an annual open house and day of celebration at Menno Haven.
In November members and their families gather for an annual retreat and business meeting, worshiping and fellowshipping
together, as well as discussion and voting on pertinent issues, and conducting other business as necessary.
As a member you will be joining in an engaging, rewarding pursuit as we work together to advance the kingdom of God.
Membership Details
In accordance with the constitution of the IMCA, a person must be a member of a Mennonite church to receive voting rights in the Association. Those who are not members of a Mennonite church are welcome to become IMCA members designated as “Friends of the Association” and receive all other rights and privileges of members.
Membership benefits are entitled to all persons in an immediate family living at the same address.
Membership terms are for the calendar year, January 1– December 31.
Membership benefits are entitled to all persons in an immediate family living at the same address.
Membership terms are for the calendar year, January 1– December 31.
Possible Areas of Service
- Maintenance (all areas of skilled labor)
- Food Service
- Special Cleaning Projects
- Program Planning Committee
- Association Membership Committee
- Supervise Youth or Adult Work Groups
- Fundraising
- Promote Menno Haven’s Programs & Activities in the Church
- Identify and Encourage Potential Summer Staff and Speakers
- Adopt a Special Project of Interest to You
What Do I Do To Become An IMCA Member?
You can contact the Menno Haven office by calling 815.255.4649 or emailing [email protected]. You can also print the IMCA Membership Application, fill it out and mail it to the Menno Haven office at 9301 1575 East St, Tiskilwa, IL 61368.